Friday, November 29, 2013

Hello, everyone! Let it begin!

Hi all,
My name is Adam Lind, and this is my blog, the Nightcrawler Experience.
For those who don't know me, I am a Christian living in Southwest Florida, a seminary graduate, an aspiring minister currently doing a lot of work with youths and with congregational care, and a dedicated aficionado of all things geek- related/ pop culture- related (Movies, video games, comic books, certain TV shows, etc.).
I set up this blog to basically share my thoughts on all things relating to those interests. Christian devotionals, reviews of movies and games and comics, and other stuff along those lines. Whenever God puts something on my heart in that regard that I think others could get something out of, you'll find it here on the Nightcrawler Experience. I have long known that one of my spiritual gifts is being able to find Scriptural messages in films that you wouldn't think would have them (Everything from 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' to 'Dodgeball' to 'A Nightmare on Elm Street 3'), so that will factor a lot into what I write. My devotionals will often incorporate plots of films to help get my messages across, my reviews of movies and other things will often discuss Scriptural messages that can be found in them, and so on.
As for how I hit upon the title of this blog, that factors into my point of combining Christian theology and pop culture. See, one of my all- time favorite superheroes is the X- Men hero Nightcrawler. He's cool, he's funny, he's brave, he's a bit of a movie buff (He's apparently a big fan of old Errol Flynn movies). Most importantly, however, and one of the main reasons why he's so high on my list of favorite superheroes, is that Nightcrawler is also shown to be a devout Christian, who often talks at length about his faith and makes excellent observations about it.
When I was a little boy, there was an 'X- Men' animated TV series, and while Nightcrawler only appeared on it a couple times, the episodes in which he did appear were magnificent. In fact, the first episode with him (Entitled simply 'Nightcrawler') was one of my first experiences hearing characters on a secular kids' TV show openly talking about God and faith. To this day, the climax and ending of that episode can bring tears to my eyes. I believe it's on Youtube, check it out if you can.
So, to tie in with the theme of combining Christian theology with pop culture, I have entitled this blog the Nightcrawler Experience (The "Experience" part was a suggestion of a young friend of mine).
On a more somber note, this blog is dedicated to the memory of my old friend Charlie Baker, who sadly passed away yesterday. I'll miss him a lot (And any prayers that you guys might be able to say for his family would be greatly appreciated), but I'll bet he's already made Jesus and a lot of others in Heaven laugh with a couple of his legendary jokes at this moment! I bet hearing Jesus laugh would be quite an experience, but I could totally see Charlie pulling it off!
And so, this is the first post of the Nightcrawler Experience. Stay tuned, as I should have a movie review to add to it in a couple days. Until then, God bless you all!

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